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Wheel Alignment: Car Pulling to the Side, Time to Realign!

An aligned wheel steers fluidly. Making turns should be seamless. A driver should never be battling their own vehicle and physically have to force a turn. For purposes of safety, comfort, and practicality, as a driver you need your wheel alignment to be intact so your steering functions effectively and easily. Unfortunately, it is easy to disrupt the functionality of your steering wheel, at which point it is critical to professionally service your car to identify what type of realignment needs to be performed.

Common Driving Situation that can cause Misalignment

There are several daily common driving experiences that can influence your wheel alignment for the worse including the action of driving alone. The reason for this is that the simple fact that your wheels come into contact with the road can cause jerking and pressure that can deter the alignment. When there are road bumps it only increases the severity alignment can be hindered. Common driving hindrances include:

• Driving quickly over street depressions

• Driving quickly over road rises

• Vehicle to vehicle collisions to any degree

• Colliding with street curbs

What are signs that my alignment may be affected?

As a driver operating a powerful machine, it is important we listen to the machine and not dismiss abnormalities, no matter the size, because small abnormalities can serve as warning signs of deeper problems, like off wheel alignment. Some examples include:

• Car Pulling when driving

• Tire Damage / Deterioration

• Unbalanced Tire Levels

• Shrieking or Squealing Noises from Tires

Upon observing any of these warning signs, it is important to take your vehicle in for observation to a certified automotive technician. The process of examination can vary depending on the technician, but typically there is some manual observation involved and ultimately computerized examination that will take place. The alignment machine will determine which of the 3 wheel alignment procedures is necessary. 

There are 3 sorts of Wheel Alignment Repairs

1. A Front-End Repair is a basic repair here the front axle of the vehicle is adjusted.

2. A Thrust Repair combines a front-end and thrust typically for cars with a solid rear axle. It checks that all four wheels are aligned.

3. A Four-Wheel Alignment Repair rearranges the rear axle angles in a combination with completing the first two types of alignments listed.

A vehicle should be easy to operate and control. Vehicles are powerful machines that can have dangerous repercussions if operated when not in tact. If you wheel your alignment could possibly off it is extremely essential a professional technician observes it promptly.